PhytoTrade Africa

PhytoTrade Africa is a non-profit, membership-based organization representing the private sector, development agencies, individual entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in 9 countries: Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
PhytoTrade Africa was established in 2001 as a trade association for the production of natural products in Southern Africa. "Natural products" are products derived and made from native plants of Southern Africa. These include food, beverages, oils and ingredients used in the food and cosmetics industry. The organisation helps rural African producers create and prepare their natural products for export. It promotes sustainable production and fairtrade and contributes to the economic development of southern African countries. PhytoTrade Africa aims to alleviate and eventually eradicate poverty and protect the region's indigenous biodiversity by creating business opportunities and models that are not only economically viable but also ethical and sustainable.