The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) has established a global certification system that oversees specific forests and guarantees that they are managed in accordance with the environmental, social and property standards defined by the FSC. Its primary role is to provide certification to management systems that meet these criteria and to monitor the subsequent processing of the timber.
FSC certification, which is the green tree, was launched in the late 1980s as a response to the irresponsible destruction of forests, including tropical ones. Certification is granted when the strict requirements of the FSC standard are met, covering environmental, social and property aspects. Forest management must comply with all relevant laws of the country concerned, international agreements and treaties, and meet all the principles and criteria set out in the FSC standard. If the forest owner meets all the conditions, he is granted the right to use the FSC symbol, which distinguishes his timber on the market from timber of uncertain origin.
When a consumer buys a product with the FSC logo, he or she is assured that the wood comes from forests where sustainability is taken into account. Today it is possible to buy more than 20,000 types of products with the FSC logo, including certified furniture, toys, windows, doors, stairs, household appliances and DIY. Even large structures such as houses and bridges are built from FSC wood. FSC is also starting to be used in the paper industry. Visit http://www.czechfsc.cz/ for more information.