What causes a clogged ear and how to get rid of it quickly?

What Does a Blocked Ear Mean, Why Does It Occur, and How to Solve the Problem?
A blocked ear is an unpleasant sensation that can affect not only our hearing but also our overall well-being. This condition, associated with a feeling of pressure, impaired sound perception, or even buzzing, is common but can also be a warning sign of a more serious problem. In this article, we will explore what causes a blocked ear, how to deal with it, and how to prevent it.
What is a Blocked Ear and Why Does It Occur?
A blocked ear is a condition where the pressure balance between the middle ear and the surrounding environment is disrupted. This balance is maintained by the Eustachian tube – a small canal connecting the middle ear with the nasopharynx. Its proper function allows the pressure inside the ear to be balanced with the surrounding pressure. However, if it becomes blocked, a feeling of blockage occurs.
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The main causes of a blocked ear include:
- Rapid pressure changes – for example, during take-off and landing of an airplane, diving, or traveling to high altitudes.
- Accumulation of earwax – too much wax can create a so-called wax plug, which blocks sound passage.
- Inflammations and infections – colds, rhinitis, or sinusitis can cause mucous membrane swelling, affecting the Eustachian tube.
- Water in the ear – after swimming or bathing, water can remain in the ear canal, leading to an uncomfortable feeling of blockage.
- Foreign objects – especially in children, who may insert small objects into their ears.
- Allergies – allergic reactions can cause swelling and worsen the patency of the Eustachian tube.
How Does the Issue Manifest?
A blocked ear most commonly manifests as a feeling of pressure inside the ear, temporary hearing loss, or an unpleasant buzzing or humming. Sometimes, it may be accompanied by pain, which is a sign of inflammation or infection. These symptoms can be temporary and disappear within a few minutes or hours, for example, after pressure equalization. However, in other cases, they may persist longer and require professional treatment.
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How to Deal with a Blocked Ear?
In many cases, a blocked ear can be resolved with simple methods. If the cause is a change in pressure, such as when traveling by plane, you can help by chewing gum, sucking on candy, or yawning. These activities promote the opening of the Eustachian tube and equalize the pressure between the middle ear and the environment.
If the issue is caused by an accumulation of earwax, special drops available at pharmacies can be used to soften the wax. After application, the wax usually releases itself. Home cleaning of ears with cotton swabs is not recommended, as it could push the wax deeper and cause eardrum damage. If blockage is caused by the presence of water, tilting the head to the side, gentle tapping on the ear, or using warm air from a hairdryer set to a low temperature can help.
In the case of colds or upper respiratory tract infections that block the Eustachian tube, using nasal sprays or drops that reduce mucous membrane swelling can help. However, if problems persist longer or are accompanied by pain and fever, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
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How to Prevent a Blocked Ear?
The best way to avoid the discomfort associated with a blocked ear is prevention. Regular ear care and proper habits can significantly reduce the risk of this problem.
For example, when traveling by plane, it is good to always have gum or sucking candy on hand, which helps maintain Eustachian tube patency. When swimming or bathing, it is advisable to use protective plugs or swimming caps, which prevent water from entering the ear canal.
Regular ear hygiene is also important but should be done gently. Using cotton swabs can cause more harm than good – it is ideal to consult ear care with a doctor or use professional cleaning. If you suffer from frequent colds or allergies, it is important to keep the nasal cavities unobstructed, as they often affect the function of the Eustachian tube.
When to See a Doctor?
While many cases of a blocked ear can be resolved at home, there are situations when it is necessary to consult a specialist. If the blockage lasts longer than a few days, is associated with significant pain, fever, or ear discharge, it may be middle ear infection or another more serious issue. A doctor will conduct an examination and recommend appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics, removal of the wax plug, or other procedures.
A blocked ear is an issue that can be short-lived and easily solvable, but also a sign of a more serious health condition. It is important to understand the causes of this condition, know how to deal with it, and seek professional help if necessary. Regular prevention, proper habits, and ear care can help prevent discomfort and keep your hearing health in top condition. If you encounter this problem, pay attention to it – your ears deserve it.