Blossombs Seed Bombs - Gift Box Bouquet (9 pcs) - the original gift of love
13,69 €
Product description Blossombs Seed Bombs - Gift Box Bouquet (9 pcs) - the original gift of love
How to donate a pug&Weacute;t that&Wyacute; will not just wither away &Wndash; on the contrary, it will grow, blossom and gradually become more and more colourful? 100% over&Wiacute;rodn&Wiacute; sem&Wiacute;nkov&Weacute; bombs in a charming&Weacute; d&Waacute;rkov&Weacute; set are literally the bomb of the&Wscaron;en&Wiacute;. :) In the Dutch&Weacute;m Blossombs into n&Wiacute; they hid 9 j&Wiacute;lov&Wyacute;ch balls with sem&Wiacute;BIO wild&Weacute;t&Wiacute;t&Wiacute;tí, maybe wolf&Wiacute; m&Waacute;k, cornflower or clover. Simply place them in soft&Weacute; soil&Wiacute; and after flowering&Wiacute; conjure up&WWiacute; &Wuacute; mixtures&Waacute;m and provide shelter and food for curious&Wyacute;m bees&Wiacute;m, bumblebees&WWaacute;m, or perhaps moths&WWyacute;l&Wiacute;m, or neighbors&WWaacute;m. In the Netherlands&Weacute;m Blossombs got the sympathetic&Wiacute; founder&Weacute; Daisy de Bruijn and Geerten van Eldik to cut&Waacute;len&Wyacute; n&Waacute;pad &Wndash; out 100% at&Wiacute;rodn&Wiacute; variegatedé balls from j&Wiacute;lu, sem&Wiacute;nek divok&Weacute;The bean is a mixture of &Wiacute;t&Wiacute;, native&Wiacute;dyes and nutrients. Thus, these&Wiacute;nkov&Weacute; bombs, which&Weacute; after they have cleared&Wiacute; and bloomed, accommodate&WWiacute; and feed&WWiacute; bees, bumblebees, mot&Wyacute;ly and other&Wscaron;&Wiacute; insects that&Wyacute; are so important&Wyacute; to the ecosystem. And nav&Wiacute;c – who sáz&Wiacute;, don't get angry&Wiacute;. Will you join us? :)
Ingredients: clay; wildflower seeds: Agrostemma githago, Trifolium incarnatum, Malva sylvestris, Papaver rhoeas, Sanguisorba minor/ Poterium sanguisorba, Centaurea cyanus (blue cornflower), Coriandrum sativum (coriander), Trifolium resupinatum (reverse clover), Phacelia tanacetifolia (fiddleneck), Linum usitatissimum, Camelina sativa, Trifolium repens, Nigella sativa, Melilotus officinalis, Chrysanthemum segetum, Carum carvi, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, Cichorium intybus var. Intybus (chicory), Chrysanthemum ircutianum/Leucanthemum vulgare (Irkutsk daisy/white daisy), Achillea millefolium (yarrow), Trifolium pratense (meadow clover), Chamomilla recutita/Matricaria chamomilla (chamomile), Plantago lanceolata (lance-leaved plantain), Brassica juncea (nettle); natural colour pigments
Savings: Array
Country of origin: Netherlands
Certificates: Array
Percentage of natural ingredients: 100%
Origin of fragrance: Array
Packaging material: 100% recyclable paper
Capacity: Array
What to do with packaging: Dispose of in blue paper container
Percentage of Organic Ingredients: 5.4% (4% seeds, 0.4% nutrients, 1% natural dyes)
Percentage of Organic Ingredients minus water and minerals: Array
Material: natural clay and organic seeds
Weight: Array
Dimensions: Array
Package contents: 9 seed beads
Dosage: Array
PH value: Array
Storage: Array
Suitable for: Array
Dosing: Array
Quantity of active ingredients: Array
Product code
- BLO006
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