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Change aggressive behavior and improve your relationship with children

Aggression towards children is a sensitive and painful topic that deserves our attention and honesty. No one wants to be aggressive towards their loved ones, especially their own children, who depend on our love and protection. So, what leads us to sometimes lose our temper and act in ways we later regret? Is it possible to change this pattern of behavior and improve our relationship with our children?

Causes of Aggression

Aggression towards children can have many causes that are important to recognize and understand. It often stems from personal stress, fatigue, and frustration. When we feel overworked or unable to handle all responsibilities, we can easily lose patience. Sometimes it is also a result of our own childhood experiences when we ourselves were exposed to aggressive behavior. Parenting is a demanding task that requires constant attention, care, and energy.

The combination of work duties, household chores, and child care can lead to feelings of exhaustion and helplessness. In such moments, it can be difficult to remain calm and respond to a child with patience. Our own upbringing and childhood experiences can significantly influence our behavior towards children. If we witnessed or were victims of aggression, we might unconsciously transfer these patterns of behavior into our own families.

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Impact of Aggression on the Child

Aggression towards a child can have long-term and serious impacts on their psychological and emotional development. Children exposed to aggressive behavior may suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and problems in interpersonal relationships. They may also start using aggressive ways to resolve conflicts themselves. Children who are often criticized or punished may begin to doubt their own worth. They may feel inadequate and undeserving of love.

This feeling of inferiority can negatively affect their self-confidence and self-esteem. Children exposed to aggressive behavior may suffer from increased anxiety and stress. They may feel insecure and threatened in their own home, which can lead to problems with learning, sleep, and overall health. Children who witness or are victims of aggression may have difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships with others. They may tend to either adopt aggressive behavior or withdraw and avoid conflicts.

How to Change Aggressive Behavior

Changing aggressive behavior towards children requires time, effort, and determination. It is important to realize that every step towards positive change is significant. The first step to change is acknowledging the problem. Admitting that our behavior is harmful and needs to change is crucial. It may be helpful to write down situations when we lost our temper and try to identify the triggers for this behavior. It is important to find alternative ways to manage stress and frustration without resorting to aggressive behavior. This can include relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing, physical activity, or hobbies that bring us joy and relaxation.

Open and honest communication with the child is key. It is important to explain to the child why we lost our temper and apologize for inappropriate behavior. Seeking support is not shameful. It can be helpful to turn to a professional, such as a psychologist or therapist, and involve family and friends.

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How to Improve the Relationship with the Child

In addition to working on changing our behavior, it is also important to actively work on improving the relationship with our child. This includes building trust, respect, and a loving environment. Spending quality time with our child is key to building a strong relationship. This can include joint activities such as playing games, reading, walking, or cooking together. It is important for the child to feel our attention and interest. Praising and appreciating the child for their efforts and achievements is important for their self-confidence and self-esteem. Instead of criticism, focus on positive reinforcement and encouragement.

Help the child understand and manage their emotions. Teach them how to express their feelings with words and how to cope with stress and frustration in a healthy way. Try to create a loving and safe environment at home, where the child feels loved and protected. This includes open communication, respecting their needs and feelings, and showing love and affection.

Aggression towards children is a serious issue that requires our attention and effort to change. Realizing our mistakes and actively striving to change our behavior can significantly improve our relationship with our children and their overall well-being. Remember that every step towards positive change is significant and that it is never too late to start working on a better and more loving relationship with our children.
