Eriodyction californicum
Other names: Yerba santa, Holy grass, Mountain balm, Bear´s weed, Hierba Santa
Harm score: 1 (Natural substances)
Eriodictyon californicum, also known as Yerba santa, Holy Grass, Mountain balm, Bear's weed or Hierba Santa, is a plant with significant medicinal properties. It is an evergreen shrub growing in the western United States, especially in California. It is characterised by its elongated resin-covered leaves and small inflorescences of white-purple flowers.
Yerba santa has been used extensively in natural medicine for centuries. Native Americans have traditionally used it to treat various respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, colds, but also as a digestive aid and for other health problems. It can also be found in the pharmaceutical industry, where extracts from the leaves of the plant are used to make syrups, lozenges and cough medicines. More recently, it has also been used for its antioxidant properties and is also used in the cosmetics industry, where it is a component of some creams, soaps and other cosmetic products. Yerba santa is also popular among herbal tea lovers who appreciate its fresh taste with sweet notes.