Egyptian Acacia (Acacia seyal)
Other names: Shittah tree, red acacia
Harm score: 1 (Natural substances)
Acacia seyal, also known as Shittah tree or red acacia, is a tree native to Africa, mainly from the Sahel, South Sudan, Uganda and the eastern parts of the Central African Republic. It is an extremely hardy and adaptable species of acacia that can grow in the most challenging conditions, such as steep slopes or dry, rocky soils. The tree grows from five to twenty metres tall, its bark is grey to brown and its leaves are alternate and composed of many small leaves. It is characterised by small, yellow flowers arranged in globular inflorescences.
The wood of the Egyptian acacia is very hard and resistant to insects and mould, which is why it is used in joinery and furniture making. Its distinctive red colour makes it a popular material for luxury pieces. It is also used to make various musical instruments. In addition, the Egyptian acacia is also used in medicine, where its bark and gum are used for their medicinal properties. The gum is extracted from the trunks and branches of the tree and further processed into a powder, which is used as a thickener in the food industry, among other things. It is also used in the textile and paint industries as a fixative. In the construction industry, the wood of the tree is used to make wooden structures, plywood and other building materials. The wood also has very good properties for making charcoal and is therefore popular in areas where long-lasting combustion is needed.
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